So we headed out today towards the Green Swamp area. 'Course this means passing through the round-about at Deen Still and 33. Brings back fond memories of driving through Tenerife in the Canary Islands for a mission trip. Many of their intersections are round-abouts. I wish there were some round-abouts around some of the areas in my life... but God said there would be trials and tribulations. If we allow it, going through those times makes us stronger and provides us with insight to share with others.
Everything really was green with all the recent rains in the area. The weather gal said rain was likely in the late morning. The clouds looked like they were going to bring that rain ahead of 'schedule' but thankfully they did not. Yep, rain does fall. It falls on the just and the unjust. How fitting that my Momma was quoting that scripture just the other day. But, so glad it held off for our morning ride.
While my husband has been riding motorcycles for years now, I am new to the biker culture. Before meeting Donald who everyone refers to as Duckey, I had only ever been on the back of a motorcycle maybe 3 times and that was um yeah, like 28 years ago....
As late in life newly weds we are experiencing a lot of transition in our lives. So, I have decided to combine his love for motorcycle riding, my love for taking pictures and our love of the things of God in this blog. It was an 'aha' moment I had while riding today. So when I asked him after the ride what his favorite thing about riding a motorcycle was and he said, "making memories", I felt it confirmation. We could journal our motorcycle memories with the blog while adding some reflection with spiritual application.
This was my first excursion on the bike with camera in hand. Gonna have to invest in one with a more powerful zoom one of these days!
One of the great things about today's ride was there was not a lot of traffic on this 2 lane country road. I don't know about you but some days ya just need the wide open spaces. I operate a non-profit ministry and run a thrift store which includes managing a host of volunteers. I've found a new 'happy place' riding on the back seat of my husband's motorcycle. It's a place where I can take in beautiful sights, be close to my husband and just let the stress of life melt away.
So I suppose some thought the gal on the back seat of a bike taking snapshots at 60 mph a bit odd... Oh well. We just have to get to the point that we are comfortable in being the person God created us to be and if we seem a little odd to someone else -so be it - as long as who we are is not a stumbling block to others. There has to be balance in life just like the balance one has to have in riding motorcycles. So here's a photo of Duckey's biker babe on the back seat of his motorcycle, yes Mom with my helmet on(they worry about us even when we're grown...) taking snapshots of whatever trips my fancy.
One thing I like about riding with Duckey is that he is ever so vigilant to what is going on around him. I wish I was as vigilant in every situation in my life as to what God is doing/ saying so that I would handle each and every situation that arises in the manner that would be most pleasing to God. On a motorcycle not being vigilant can be a costly mistake. The vehicle pulling out in front of you, an unmarked speed bump, large birds swooping in front of the bike... all things the biker has to be prepared to respond appropriately to, not react. What a great object lesson for the spiritual life. Be on your guard. Discipline oneself to respond appropriately not react hastily.
Okay so not all smells out there are good. I have smelled rotting animal flesh and other unpleasant odors. But today there was the wonder aroma of wildflowers. Not only did God give us beauty to look at... He added fragrances for us to enjoy. Now too bad they have not invented scratch and sniff photos!
Yes, I got a lot of clouds in my pictures. This was my first day shooting pics from the back seat of the bike. It's gonna take a little time to learn where to point the lens. At 55+ mph there is no time to look in the view finder, zoom in or out. Some pics I was just too late and most pics I aimed too high. Good thing one can never aim too high in life, right? If we never take aim at anything we definitely won't hit anything. At least I got pictures of clouds and a few other memorable shots to go with them.
I really enjoy taking pictures of animals of any kind. Today none of them seemed to be up close enough to the road for a great picture. Oh wait.... a cow!
Duckey and I both like vintage vehicles. So couldn't resist getting a snapshot of this ole track hoe. Boy oh boy, I sure hope to keep myself well oiled in the word so I don't get rusty and unable to function as God intended me too!
We did run into some attitude today... We don't mind sharing a parking spot, but these days with everything that goes on in the world, one ought to question when a vehicle pulls up quick and blocks ya in... A little courtesy would have been nice but the guy just smacked of attitude like he was spoiling for a fight with a biker... This is Duckey standing tall in my eyes. He chose to 'turn the other cheek'. Yep he was fighting to do so but he did. Proud of my man.
Donald! Tell me you are NOT staring down the guy that blocked you in!!!
Such a jokster!
The thing is when one wears any kind of witness wear I think one will always be faced with at least one challenge to respond as Jesus would or react from our human standpoint. And yep, we were wearing our motorcycle ministry vests... Kind of like "here's your mission if you choose to accept it"...
We ate lunch at the Country Angels restaurant in Polk City. On Saturdays, they roll out the specialty hamburger menu! I had a stuffed Reuben burger... delish!!!! Duckey ordered a slab of cow... you know run it through the kitchen and serve it while it is still bleedin'.... well no actually he had a 2 8-oz patty burger. "Now that is how ya cook a burger" he says. He thought he wouldn't be able to eat it all... yeah RIGHT!!!
Is this guy handsome or what!!!
Wait... I wanna take that road over there.....
Love the green tree tunnel!
Hmmm this is the most rustic Lowe's sign I have ever seen...? Really Lowe's???
Thank you Jesus for bringing us home safe. So glad that He goes with us wherever we go!
We'll see ya after the next ride when these feet rest themselves on the running boards of the motorcycle while our eyes take in the artistry God has made, smell the aromas of the great outdoors let the breezes blow 'round about us as we clear our minds of the clutter to make room for new thoughts and make some more motorcycle memories.